While I hold no ill will towards Vern since I don't know the backstory to why he wasn't around, the man I knew as my grandfather on my mother's side was Nolan Blair - he married Vera in 1947. Nolan was an outstanding man so I couldn't complete this post without his mention. Some of my personality comes from Nolan's attitude.
For quite some time, I've wanted to start posting about what I've found while researching my family tree. There's a lot of interesting stuff in there, and I'd like to communicate it to my kids and, as soon as they are old enough to comprehend, my grandkids. My hesitation has been that I want to protect those still living. So I've decided to not give specifics about anyone one generation prior to me. I will trace The Tree from my grandparents back, as unfortunately all of my grandparents have now passed away. It's been a rough decade.
Here is the game plan. I'm going to trace each of my four sub-trees back as far as I can:
- Barker sub-tree
- Martin sub-tree
- Hope sub-tree
- Whitaker sub-tree
one at a time, probably starting with the Hope subtree since that is where I have the most information.
After that, I'm also going to trace Nolan's subtree back - I have quite a bit of information on him also, and it's a pretty interesting story too.
If you have one of the people I discuss in YOUR family tree too, please contact me! Leave a comment with your email address (create a temporary email address if need be) attached to any of the posts. I monitor the comments daily, so I'll see it immediately. And to protect your email address from the masses, I will delete your comment as soon as I write down your email address. I promise!
We can trade info, photos, etc.
Stay tuned, because here we go!