David and Lucy brought our grandson over for his first visit to our home on Sunday. Troy was but 19 days old. We had a pot roast for dinner and David promptly fell asleep in my chair holding his son.
I'm well known in the family as the Camera Man, so a little invasion of privacy on my part is expected. It's worth it to capture magic moments like these.
Troy is a gorgeous, quiet, sleepy kid at this point. Dave and Lucy assure me that he knows how to use his lungs when there is something he needs, but he's been quite restful when I've seen him.
Very peaceful. Shhhhhhh!
My goal for the evening was to try and capture his eyes. No one is quite sure yet what color they are. Although I caught him with his eyes open a few times, they were not open wide enough to determine. And I'm not going to blind him with super bright lights.
Like the rest of the family, Troy has his limits on how long he'll continue to be a good model for my camera. But as we soon discover, there was someone we had forgotten to tell about the new addition to the family. She did not discover it all through dinner (while Troy slept), but right about now she figured it out....
Yes, Marcy began to suspect we had more that just laundry in our arms. We were cradling something...but what was it?
And here she discovers it. A baby! Marcy was delighted and oh so curious.
She continued to inch forward and get as close as we would allow. She was dying to get to know the baby.
Troy, on the other hand, kept one eye on the strange bald man with the camera.
And, after he had eaten his dinner, Troy quickly needed to return to napping. Here he is about to tell us that.
My wife was able to get Troy to relax, and Marcy took the opportunity to sneak another peek.
She was so gentle around the baby.
Once she figured out that we were keeping her away from Troy, she tried to settle down and keep her distance.
But you can see on her face she's just doing it to make us happy. She would love nothing more than to cuddle the baby herself.
Ooops! Naptime is approaching! Notice Marcy's nose in the lower right...she wanted to do anything she could to comfort Troy. She's such a good girl.
A little bit of rocking while standing calmed Troy right down....
...he throws one more suspicious stare at the Camera Man....
....and he slowly drifts off to sleep, secure in the knowledge that all he has to do is call 1-800-508-0000 for a good lawyer (see TV in background). Thanks Dave and Lucy for bringing Troy by! We had a great time!