Tuesday, December 30, 2008


 We spent a day exploring Pompeii, which we think is the minimum amount of time needed to see it adequately.

Click Here for maps of Pompeii.
 Click Here for information about entering the city.
 Click Here for photos and information about the Forum.
 Click Here for what we saw on our way to the theater.
 Click Here for the Pompeii Theater.
 Click Here for a tour of the Gladiator Quarters behind the theater.
 Click Here for a tour of Casa dei Ceii.
 Click Here for a walk along Via dell'Abbondanza
 Click Here for the home of Paquius Proculus and the shop of Vetutius Placidus.
Click Here for a tour of the amphitheater.
 Click Here for a quick peek at the Palestra Grande.
 Click Here to see the contents of the Granai del Foro and the restaurant facilities at Pompeii.
 Click Here to see Casa della Fontana Piccola.
 Click Here for a tour of Casa di Meleagro.
 Click Here for a walk around Reg. V
 Click Here for information about the Porta di Ercolano.
Click Here for our thoughts as we left Pompeii.

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