Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Moon Last Night

The moon from our back yard last night.  


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Ruby and her Possum Friend


Ruby has found a possum on our back fence a few nights in the last two weeks.  Now she goes out back each evening and waits for her return.  Most nights, she does come by and Ruby is happy.

ZB Savoy


Saw a great country band last night - ZB Savoy.

And there was a new Sauvignon Blanc on the menu - it was very good!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Beautiful Evening on the lake


Winding down the week with dinner and drinks.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Troy Graduates Middle School


Our oldest grandson Troy has graduated middle school!  He is looking forward to high school.
Troy with his proud parents.
And his proud grandparents!

Sunday, June 2, 2024

A Guided Tour Through Sonoma Valley


One of our close friends asked if we'd like to see a few of her favorite places in Sonoma Valley - we said of course!

So we flew in on a Friday afternoon in preparation for meeting her bright and early Saturday morning.

We needed lunch after the trip so we stopped at V. Sattui in Napa Valley.

Always a favorite of ours - both for the wines and the deli! 

We almost got skunked though as it was much busier than expected and we hadn't made reservations.  We might have to start making reservations is my wife, thankful we got in!

We took the rental car to our hotel for the night.
The next morning!  What a beautiful drive through Sonoma Valley!
We were having so much fun and the views were so nice that we pulled over to take a few photos - something we very rarely do!
What a beautiful day!

St Francis Winery and Vineyards


Our friend introduced us to a new winery!  St Francis!  We went there before noon and before the crowds arrived.  Here is my wife in the main tasting room.
Very nicely done!

We had signed up for the wine pairing and being that it was the week of Earth Day,  the food was all vegetarian and most of it grown right there on site.
Cheers!  Thanks for introducing us to this magnificent place!
Jimmy is the winery gardener who grows the food.   He happened to bring his dog to work that day.   Jimmy also gave us a tomato plant grown right there on site!

Here was the pairings we had.  Delicious all!

The two favorites of everyone was the charred asparagus and....

...the strawberry tartlet!