Sunday, August 30, 2015

Vacation 2015 - Wine Tasting with Friends

 We spent one afternoon wine tasting with friends.   We started off at Brander, but I failed to get a single photo at that location.
 Next, we moved on to Bridlewood.  It is a very nice winery, though mostly red wines which is not our thing.
 Very picturesque though.
 That's Tony, Sue, and my wife at the back left.
 Sue and my wife have been friends since they were 11 and 10 respectively.
 Sue and her other half, Tony.
 We then moved on to the Roblar winery.  We were very impressed!  Great wine, great atmosphere, and great entertainment by the staff.  We'll be back!
 From there we went to Sunstone.  While a nice place, it was way too warm there.  The other places had been air conditioned - Sunstone was not.
Still an enjoyable place to visit.  Any time we're with friends, we have fun.   Thank you Sue and Tony!

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