Sunday, August 30, 2015

Vacation 2015 - Solvang : Shopping

 We spent one morning banging around Solvang, starting with breakfast at Paula's Pancakes.
  The Danish pancakes are the best thing on the menu.
Solvang was founded by Danish immigrants, and the town is very proud of that heritage.

 Touristy?  Oh yes.  Fun?  Absolutely.  A few hours shopping is all we can take though.  We're not much for shopping.
 See the Fresco restaurant at the back?  We ate there in the evening.  Nice meal!
 We found these very interesting lights.
 I took several pictures - I bet they throw off great shadows.
 If we can find a place to put one in our house, I'll probably call them up and buy one.

 The Danish Thinker.
 Thought this was a rather nice looking Vette.
 Dinner at Fresco!  They even had a doggy menu.  This 3 year old female (forgot her name) is waiting patiently.
Then she heard the click of my camera.

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