Sunday, August 30, 2015

Vacation 2015 - Getty Villa : Upstairs

 Mummy. 50-100 AD.  Romano-Egyptian.  Wax tempera and gilding on a wooden panel, linen and encaustic.
 Mummy portrait of a bearded man.  140-160 AD.  Er-Rubauat, Egypt.  Not known if it was painted during his lifetime or after death.
 Mummy portraits.  75-229 AD
 Mummy portrait.  170-200 AD.  Romano-Egyptian.
 Slippers.  300-400 AD.  Roman, from Egypt.  Leather and gold.
 Medallion and earrings.  300-400 AD.  Roman from Egypt.  Bronze, leather, glass and cloth.
 Water jar with a woman.  460 BC.  Greek.  Bronze and terracotta.

 Portrait of a mature woman.  68-96 AD.  Roman, from present-day Turkey.

 Disk earrings and a comb brooch.  700-525 BC.  Etruscan.  Gold earrings and silver brooch.
 Jewelry.  525-500 BC.  Greek from south Italy.

 Earrings with Nike Pendants.  225-175 BC.  Hellenistic Greek.  Gold and glass.
Earrings with Nike Pendants.  200-100 BC.  Greek.  Gold.
 Coin bank shaped as a beggar girl.  25-50 AD.  Roman.  Bronze and copper.
 Doll.  500-400 BC.  Greek.  Terracotta.
 Statuette of boy riding piggyback.  500-475 BC.  Greek, made in Boiotia.  Terracotta and pigment.
 Tomb altar of Caltilius and Caltilia.  100-125 AD.  Roman.  Marble.  Inscription:  "To the souls of the deceased, Lucius Caltilius Stephanus and Caltilia Moschis".  Caltilia's hairstyle follows the fashion worn by women in the court of Roman emporer Trajan (98-117 AD).
 Head of a balding man.  240 AD.  Roman, from present-day Turkey.  Marble.
 Emporer Nerva.  96-98 AD.  Roman.  Marble.
 Chalkidian Helmet.  Griffin Protome Helmet of Chalkidian shape.  350-300 BC.  Bronze.  This type of helmet was lighter and less cumbersome than other helmets, generally taking the shape of a cap following the shape of the skull.  The name derives from pottery once thought to come from the ancient city of Chalcis or Chalkidia from the Greek island of Euboea.  It is not known if the helmet was made there.
 Two helmets.  500-400 BC.  Etruscan.  Bronze.  Negau shape, worn by Etruscan foot soldiers.  The hole in the center was used to attach a crest along the ridgeline.  The hooks positioned above the rims held straps for stabilizing the crests.

 Back side of wounded Niobod statue.  1-100 AD.  Roman.  Marble.  A dying youth trying to reach the arrow in his back.
 Shows the hollowing out of some Marble statues.
Statue of a kouros.  530 BC, or possibly a forgery - still in debate.
 Floor mosaic showing boxers.  175 AD.  Gallo-Roman from present-day Villelaure, France.  Stone and glass.  Both boxers were caestus, leather strips weighted with lead or iron that were wrapped around the hands of Roman fighters to increase the impact of punches.  It was not uncommon for such blows to be fatal.

 Gold wreath. 300-100 BC.  Greek.

 Perfume flasks.  600-300 BC.  Greek.
 Brown and yellow snake.  1-100 AD.  Roman.  Glass.

 Harp player.  1700-1300 BC.  Early Cycladic.  Marble.
 Fertility Goddess.  3000-2500 BC.  Chalcolithic, from Cyprus.

 Going back downstairs.  Note out the handrail is actually carved out of the marble.
I snapped this as I was entering the silver display rooms.  A guard stopped me.  Apparently, photos were not allowed in this room or the room full of gold objects.  Both rooms were fabulous!  A chock full o silver and gold.

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