Sunday, August 30, 2015

Vacation 2015 - Getty Villa : Gardens

 Photos taken on the grounds of the Getty Villa.  My beautiful wife on the edge of the Inner Peristyle.
 A breezeway bordering the Outer Peristyle.
 The East Garden.
 The East Garden.
 The water feature in the Inner Peristyle is currently empty due to the drought.
 By the gift shop.
 My wife by the Outer Peristyle.
 There was no water in the Outer Peristyle either, so I photoshopped it in.  Sorry about that - it looked too sad without it.
 My wife at the Outer Peristyle.

 Looking back towards the museum through the Outer Peristyle.
 A pond in the Herb Garden.

 This waterspout is a reproduction of one found at the Villa dei Papiri.  It represents Silenos riding a bulging wineskin.

 Heading back out to the parking garage, we catch a glimpse of the Pacific Ocean.
A deer grazing within 20 feet of the parking garage.

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