Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wedding Weekend: Rehearsal Dinner

 Instead of having a traditional rehearsal dinner, Ron & Mary chose to have a picnic for everyone who would be attending the wedding.  That way, no one was left out!  A fantastic idea.

I didn't capture everyone who attended the picnic,  but I did catch a few of the folks.  Here is Ron, Keith, and Landon.
 From left:  Drew and Crystal Litsey came all the way from North Carolina!  And Debbie and Neal Blodgett came from Las Vegas!
 Teo really enjoying his popcorn ball and a spiked football.
 Not sure of everyone in this photo but Mary's parents Malcolm and Kathy are at the picnic bench and my nephew Alex Guzman is in the black shirt.
 Lucy and Teo.

 At one point Teo wandered off and found a mud puddle.  He didn't notice his dad walking up.  Right after I snapped this shot, Teo looked up and, see his dad, showed him his muddy hands!  It was too cute...
 They decided to rejoin the group after a quick hand rinse in the river...
...well maybe a trip to the bathroom first!

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