Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wedding Weekend: Caper Acres

 One of the gems of Chico is a park called Caper Acres.
 We take the grandkids to this well-maintained park every time we visit, and they adore the place.
 It has some of the most unique equipment I've seen.
 Teo in the tower for a slide.

 As Teo says,  "weeee!"
 On this particular day, the Boys & Girls Club was visiting.  We are big fans of the B&G C, as our kids spent much time there growing up.
 Teo and his smile!

 Peeking out of the dragon fish!
 Time to go to the fort!
 We had a hard time keeping up with him.  Here's Lucy trying her best to keep up.
 We think this used to be a fountain that is now capped off.
 Teo joining Troy in the sandbox.

 And Teo's off again.

Troy:  Where'd they go?

Dave:  I dunno.
 Back to the fort!  Lucy keeping an eye on Teo.
 Teo:  Where's my mom?
 Found her!

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