Saturday, December 4, 2010

LA Auto Show: Subaru

 My eye was then draw to this display, labeled 'Impreza'. You can forgive me for thinking it was the new Subaru Impreza.
 Ron pointed out it was merely a concept of what the Impreza could look like. Subaru, you should do it. Exactly like this. It might be the first Subaru I have ever liked.
 My first exposure to Subarus was in the 1970s when my middle school teacher, Ms. Openshaw, drove a yellow coupe. While she really loved it, I never really understood the car. It was ugly and underpowered. But it apparently appealed to women. That is when I first understood there was a big difference between what men and women wanted in a car. Detroit should have paid attention.
The taillights are wicked fun and unique. Those boxes of lights really emphasize the depth to the lights as you change angles. This would be awesome on a production car.
Side note: It is my opinion that this will be the decade of lighting. In cars as well as in homes, you will see many unique lighting options pop up with some very eye catching results. Mark my words.

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