Saturday, December 4, 2010

LA Auto Show: Nissan

 Here is the new Nissan Juke. It takes my sons by surprise that I like it, as it is not something I normally would like.
 Part of it has to do with this rear view. I think everything aft of the front doors is designed very well. Ron inquires about the front end, implying he's not crazy about it. I'm luke-warm on the front....I applaud them for trying something different. It doesn't kill the design in my eyes, still a nice purchase option.
 What turns the corner towards a possible buy (for others, we'll never have one) is that all reports are it is a blast to drive. All you CR-V and RAV4 drivers, I think you should be seriously looking at the Juke.
 Here is Nissan's concept car at the show. It doesn't come across well, but there is very sharp lighting running along the doors and across the seats. Very sharp indeed.
 Unfortunately white is not the best color for a show car - or for any car for that matter - so that brings the design down a few notches. I know you're trying to be different Nissan, but give us our jewel tones back!
 Outside design is okay. It just doesn't make me go wow. In fact, there are some PRODUCTION cars that look better!
 And the Nissan Cube. The silliest car on the market. Really, I mean that. It looks straight out of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". But if silly is okay with you, then the design itself is very good.
 More silliness inside. But a very nice, simple design. Giggle. The young man shown in the front seat in the prior pic was enjoying it. His mom was in the passenger seat trying to talk him into getting one.   Run, young man, run!  At least if you want to maintain a single ounce of manhood!
 And we can't talk Nissan without talking the GT-R. Hideously fast, all the car mags are talking nonstop about it. And David absolutely loves it. The front end styling is very nice, and I probably like it better up front than the current Vette.
 ...there is no back leg room in the back seat! None, as in zero! Join the crowd, GT-R. The Jaguar XK is the same way. Back seat is for double-amputees only.
 Notice all the little male noses pressed against the glass. Here is David taking a peek inside, at which point he points out to me...
 Here is where I have a problem with the GT-R. I don't like the rear at all. From the A pillars back, the Corvette is light years ahead of the GT-R, in my opinion. The GT-R does sound wonderful, though. I heard one going down the street the other day. Mmmmmm!
 The new Nissan Leaf. They would not let us sit in one. That's a head-scratcher, since they'll be on dealer's lots any time now, supposedly. The car is nice, and it will be interesting to see how this and the Volt do in the marketplace. Two very good options to a problem that has plagued the world for a long time: how do we starting moving away from petroleum?
The new Nissan Quest. I don't like the design at all. Too simple and square, just like the new Chrysler minivans. Yuck.
But I do applaud Nissan. About 5 to 10 years ago, they made a conscience decision to make unique vehicles. They wanted to have something in every segment that was truly different than other things on the market. And I think they have succeeded wonderfully at that. That means they'll never be the market leader, but it does mean they'll draw buyers in who are looking for something different. And that will lead them to being successful. I hope.

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