Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stone Temple Pilots

Well this 4th of July was another one of those amazing things that happens in our life. I'm not sure why all the best stuff falls into our lap, but I can't help but think my wife has something to do with it.

We had heard that Stone Temple Pilots would be playing at the Harrahs Rincon Indian Casino about 20 miles from our house on the 4th of July. We decided to go hang out at the casino that night because the last time we went to a casino during a concert (Kid Rock) there were lots of wild people hanging around the card tables, sort of overflow from the concert venue. We were hoping lightning would strike twice.

Well, it did strike twice but not exactly as we had imagined. We have taken to having dinner at the bars of restaurants (avoids the wait for a table) and a side benefit is that we get to talk to folks at the bar, and the bartenders. Well, it just so happened that someone at the bar had extra tickets to STP and they just gave them to us! That's a hundred dollar value! Man do we have some new friends!

Maybe it was because it was the holiday or maybe it was the economic conditions, but I would say the concert was less than half full. We were able to get front and center very close to the stage with no problem. The light show was tremendous and the sound simply astounding. It was very loud but not distorted, not muddy, and perfectly balanced. We danced for an hour straight!

I like virtually everything STP has ever done, and they played both my favorite STP songs: Vasoline and Creep...

And another thing that has been happening this year...people of all types and ages come up and start talking to us like we're old friends. I have no idea why...we must look approachable...they just grab our arm and talk. We're having so much fun...and last night is a night we'll remember for a long, long time.

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