Friday, June 26, 2009

100 Carolwood Drive

 Let's take a look at 100 Carolwood Drive. There are apparently a lot of Michael Jackson fans out there...when I got up this morning my blog counter was through the roof - and I don't even mention MJ on my blog! Doing a little research, I found out people were coming here today because I'm very familiar with Carolwood Drive and have posts about Walt Disneys house and Fleur de Lys.
 So as not to disappoint, let's take a look at the house Michael Jackson was renting on Carolwood Drive in Holmby Hills! The first photo above shows the 16,119 square foot home smack in the middle of the photo. The photo to the left shows the underground parking garage entrance.
 Unfortunately for MJ, this house sits right on busy Sunset Blvd and he no doubt had to endure the constant drone of passing traffic. Why anyone would build such a huge mansion right on a major thoroughfare, I have no idea. From what I have been reading, Sean Connery lived in this home at one time though I have not verified that.
 But MJ rented it for $100K a month since his house up north is in foreclosure - he had to make due with a mere 8 bedrooms and 11 bathrooms. Notice this view from the back of the house shows three balconies, one on each of the three floors of the house.
 I had decided to stop posting celebrity houses (notice this is the first such post this year), but since I got a kazillion hits today looking for MJ's rental, I decided to oblige and look into it for you. Since interest peaks when someone dies, I end up feeling kind of ghoulish visiting dead celebrity's homes...
 Let's take a street level look. This is heading southbound on North Carolwood Drive. Carolwood drive branches to the right in this photo, and actually the video I've seen of MJ's ambulance leaving was taken about where the car is on the right branch. That car is sitting just outside the guest entrance to 100 Carolwood.
 But let's head down Monovale Drive instead (this street level view doesn't go down the right branch, and I'm not driving over to Holmby Hills to take my own photos, sorry!).
 As we head down Monovale, that's MJ's house on the right...we're coming upon the underground garage...
 There is a peak inside the garage as we zoom on by. This home was built in 2002 and sold for $18M in 2004. It is valued at about $12M right now. Photos of the home's interior can be found here.
And now that we have passed, a look at it from the rear. Due to the events of this week, this home will no doubt be very famous for a long time to come, and Carolwood Drive became yet a bit more famous (infamous?) if it needed the help.


  1. Ahhhhhhh. Those tourists are peering into 144 Monovale Drive...which turns out to be a former address of Elvis Presley.

    So...the King of Pop chose to live across the street from where the King of Rock used to live.


  2. Nope, don't think it was a coincidence he chose that house to rent. He was obsessed with Elvis and had even hoped to have his grandchildren.

    Lisa Marie was fortunate enough to get away from this drug addicted megalomaniac before he could get her pregnant. She said in a blog yesterday that MJ KNEW 14 years ago he was going to die like her father and he did it across the street from where she lived with her mom and dad in the 70's.

    That is freakishly bizarre!

  3. I actually came across that home. We were in beverly hills leaving rodeo drive and saw a corner decorated as if someone had died. curious we turned around and went down the street. as we got to the corner we saw the little memorial for him and decided to get out. It was pretty cool to come upon Michael jackson's home, or rented home, by accident.

  4. Yes we found it by accident too, saw the roadside flowers on the blvd and we turned in to see what it was about and presto, there was Michael Jacksons rented house...
    people outside everywhere, some girl was kissing the mailbox of all things

  5. hi J, i really need to ask you this, since you really seem familiar with the area.
    in the 3rd and 5th pictures, there seem to be no main entrance to the mansion from Carolwood Dr. it really just looks like a grassy area in the pics!

    if you would please indicate where the main Carolwood Dr. entrance is,
    this will be a great help!

    thanx for all the info

  6. Hi...the entrance from Carolwood is hard to see in the photos, but we can use the 5th photo to illustrate where it is.

    In the 5th photo, Carolwood runs along the left edge of the photo, top to bottom. The entrance is at the gap in the trees.

    Another way of explaining it: in the 5th photo, if you look at the fountain in the center of the circular drive in from of the home and think of the fountain as the face of a clock, the entrance would be at about the 11 oclock position from the fountain.

    Hope that helps.

  7. Thank you for taking the time to put these up. Your kindness is appreciated.

  8. Hard to believe that it's almost 2 years now since he died. Much like his immortal songs, his controversies still remain. Regardless of whether you believe those pictures are really his rented house, or the speculations while he was still living were true, you can't alter the fact that through the decades, he has affected our lives in a big way. Thank you very much for taking the time to share these photos.

