Sunday, November 30, 2008

Amalfi Coast: The City of Amalfi

 From the waterfront, we cross the street and find a cafe that bordered SS163. Since it was as close to a street vendor as we could find, we ordered pizza to test the old bus lady's theory and was she ever right! Delicious! As we basked in the sun, relaxing now that our hunger was satisfied, we began to watch the people. There was an Italian teen enjoying the afternoon with his girlfriend and their chihuahua puppy.
  There was the gentleman driving the electric cart, getting a very fine glimpse of the woman in the pink dress as tourists waited in line in behind him.
There was this colorful fellow chatting with a cabbie and apparently catching me taking is photograph.
We then start walking further into the city and immediately this beautiful building comes into view. This is the only building in Amalfi that I had read about before we started the trip. It is the Amalfi Duomo, or Duomo d'Amalfi.
 The current structure was built in 1203, though there was a previous structure on the site as far back as the 9th century. During this era, Amalfi was a powerful sea-republic.
 Many mosaics line the front of the building and the bronze doors were cast in Constantinople in 1066. The building contains a crypt built in 1253 which is reportedly well worth seeing, but we did not go'll have to find out why in another post.
 Out front is the Piazza del Amalfi with this fountain as the centerpiece. Visitors can't help but gather here in the refreshing atmosphere.
 As with most areas, it would be almost deserted then out of nowhere would come a crowd of people.
 On one side of the piazza stands this building.
 Note the amusing water spouts used for the fountain.
 Well what do you know, another Fiat 500! Luigi would be proud. I don't remember seeing it at the time, but the photo also shows a stoplight. Why it is there, I do not know as I don't recall a cross street there.
 The main street that runs perpendicular to SS163 and goes up into the hills is Via del Duomo. This narrow street was built centuries ago before anyone had even considered the possibility of motorcars. Therefore, pedestrians mingle with autos and motorcycles which, for Americans unused to such situations, can lead to dicey moments.
 I believe this is a sidestreet off of Via del Duomo.
 If one follows Via del Duomo long enough it takes you into the hills and farmland. But this is about as far as we went, nowhere near the farms. Someone has created a nice little complex for their residence.
 I found this vehicle interesting so I took a photo. Little did I know why it was'll have to read about it in the Duomo post.
 One of the many mopeds that zigged it's way through the crowds.
Fresh baked Italian goods! Delicious! Unfortunately we had just had our pizza, otherwise I would have bought a slice of this as it looks marvelous.
 A fruit and vegetable stand. Notice the lemons as we are very near limoncello country.
 Yet another motorcycle.
 ...and is somewhere around here where we found a gelato shop (they are numerous) and purchased two gelatos. This will become important in the next post...
Get a load of the Italian English on this canopy! "Local Typical Food"! What a hoot!

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