Sunday, November 30, 2008

Amalfi Coast: The City of Amalfi Waterfront

 The main road along the Amalfi Coast, SS163, changes names as it winds it's way along the coast. By the time the road reaches the city of Amalfi, it is called Via Matteo Camera and passes by the small Amalfi bay.
 There are many buses lined up in the parking lot by the bay, and as we stepped off and away from the bus, this is the first thing we saw. Fairly picturesque, in an industrial sort of way.
 I took the chance to take this photo of Nikki with the city of Amalfi in the background. The rows of buses is directly behind me at this point.
 I snapped a few more photos of Amalfi from this location.
 It is just as lovely as it looks.
 A fishing boat passes by on the waterfront.
 This building is intriguing as it appears to be undergoing some sort of remodeling, with a massive amount of scaffolding around it.
 Let's walk along the bayfront and take a few photos.

 A restaurant right on the water. We usually skip lunch while on vacation, but standing an hour in the sun had made us hungry, so we started looking for a place to get a snack. We did not stop at this restaurant as it smelled seafoody and nothing from the ocean touches Nikki's lips. It is a long-standing rule she has.

 A few of the bus parking with Amalfi in the background.
 Now, all the photos I've ever seen of Amalfi show immaculate buildings, and there are definitely plenty of those, to be sure. But there are also places that look like they could use a little sprucing up, as the peeling paint on these buildings demonstrate.
 I'm not sure what the interior of these buildings look like, but judging from their exterior a remodel may be due. And note the obligatory Italian laundry hung on the balconies.

Lots of sea out there.
 A curious little rock formation. Do you suppose they removed the rest of the rock for the buildings and walkways but left this sliver?
 A quick peek at the scaffolding framed in an appealing way.
 Nikki politely carrying my red camera bag. What a woman!
 So I take a photo of her...
 Finally we get to the Amalfi "beach". Not much of a beach, but visitors are making due with what is there.
It is curious to see the boat dragged aground without a trailer.

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