Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Del Mar Fair

 We found time to make it to the Del Mar Fair this year, and we made it the first evening trip with the boys.   Every other time they have been to the fair in the daytime.  I think they are the right age to enjoy the night atmosphere, and I think they agreed.
 We did our traditional visit to see the animals.  Here are my animals, Mateo in the front and Troy in the rear.
 Troy looking at the Peruvian horses.
Teo doing the same thing.
 From here, we split up.
 The rest of the crew went to the rides...
 ...and I went to the art displays.  Here are a few of my favorites this year.

 We finally met back up.  Here is a photo from the end of the evening, back on the main drag where the food stands are.
 Mateo brought this toy home.
And Troy brought this one.

A fun night!

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