Thursday, July 11, 2019

An Afternoon At Lake Tahoe

 Since we were all just over the hill in Carson City,  Ron and Mary invited us to South Lake Tahoe for a late lunch / early dinner.

Here are the hosts Mary and Ron!
 Levi and Crystal.
 Neal and Cooper.  Cooper is Ron and Mary's dog.  Even though he had never met Neal before, he hopped right up in Neal's lap as if he'd been invited!  Very unusual for Cooper.
 And the windblown corner - Laura, Jessica, Ames, and Debbie.
 Just across the street is the south shore of Lake Tahoe, and there was a wedding going on...
 The glass patio sides were causing reflection, so after the wedding ceremony I leaned the camera out around the glass and captured these shots of the wedding party leaving.  I thought they kind of told a story, so I'm including all of them.  Sorry if it's too much.

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