Saturday, May 14, 2016

NYC 2016: Times Square

 Since our hotel was on the fringes of Times Square, it stands to reason that we'd go there.  This is the view from our room.
 We did wander down there a few times, but for the most part is too touristy and most all of the businesses there are national chains that we could visit in Anytown, USA.  That's good for foreigners to get a feel for what American is, but we've been there done that so we wanted to spend time with things more uniquely New York.  Which meant staying outside of Times Square for the most part.
 This billboard struck me the wrong way.  Sure kids are expensive, but this implies they keep you from doing things.
 But we did venture into Times Square a few times.
 Mostly late at night.  Here are a few photos I took of my wife while we were there.

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