Saturday, May 14, 2016

NYC 2016: High Line and Bleecker Street

 New York City has converted an old raised railroad into a 1.5 mile long park.  It is a gorgeous way to see the Lower West Side.
 We walked the High Line from start to finish.
 There is always something interesting at each turn.

 My wife enjoying the afternoon.

 A view of the river.
 Yours truly giving my feet a rest.
 Some of the old track still exists.
 From there, we walked Bleecker Street and enjoyed the shops along the way.

 We heard a horn, a screech, and looked up just in time to see a black executive car run a red light and hit the side of a yellow taxi.  It flattened the tire on the taxi.
 And ripped the bumper off of the executive car.
 We had decided to have dinner at John's Pizza of Bleecker Street.  We were second in line on the sidewalk (they don't let you in until a table is available).  This photo is looking across the street while waiting at John's.
 We saw this wrapped Lambo as we waited.
 We have a table.  The view of the kitchen from our table.
 A photo in our booth.
 My wife, hungry after an afternoon of walking.
I'm every bit as hungry!

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