Sunday, August 31, 2008

Milan: Sforza Castle

 This is the Castello Sforzesco right in the heart of Milan. You'll know when you've found the Sforza Castle (which is how you say it in English) because you'll see the wedding cake fountain out front
 It is the second most visited site by visitors, and for good reason.
 Once you enter through the main gate, you are in the courtyard shown in the previous photo, this phot, and the next photo. Kind of like a quiet oasis in the middle of a bustling city.
 The castle was originally built in 1450. For the next 400 years, Milan was in the territory belonging to various groups including at various times the French, the Spanish, and the Austrians. The castle was in such disrepair by 1895 that the city pondered bulldozing it to make way for homes.
 Instead, it was restored in the early 20th century only to be heavily damaged by Allied bombing in World War II. It was once again rebuilt into the beautiful structure we see today.
 Of course, with castles come mice and the smart castle steward will welcome felines as inhabitants, free of charge.
 There are currently museums in the castle which, unfortunately, we did not get to tour because yours truly chose a Monday to visit the castle and the museums are closed Mondays. Oh well....we'll be back.
 If you want to be a little smarter and study up before you come to Sforza Castle, please visit the official website.
 Maybe it'll even explain why these ancient Roman capitals are lined up here.

Well, hopefully I'll have more to say about the castle after the next visit - when it is actually open! For now, we'll just head back out the way we came in...

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