Sunday, August 31, 2008

Milan: Fashion District

 One afternoon, we did spend a few hours wandering around Milan's fashion district. We didn't do it in an orderly fashion, we just sort of meandered around. Here are some things I found worthy of a photograph.
 Another nice window display.
An indoor breezeway in one of the malls. We stopped into  a shop or two, but I can't remember which ones. I do remember we did not buy anything.
 On the second floor of one of the shops we entered, I took this photo of the street level. The shop was very high end and we had our own personal employee assigned to us - that's a sure sign it is very expensive, a la Nordstrom.
 A close-up of some of the people in the above photo.
 And another...

 This was an interesting street. The eye is immediately drawn to the billboard at the other end...
 ...walking a little closer...
 ...and finally there it is. Quite a visual statement.
The fashion district is quite close to the Duomo, as this pic illustrates.
 We did stop for lunch while we were there. I can't remember what we had, but I do remember that it was extremely good.
 Now let's have some fun dissecting photos into groups of people, shall we?
 It sort of looks like she is talking on a cell phone, though I'm not sure.
 He definitely is! And look...he's wearing shorts! I can't remember another photo of a male wearing shorts in Milan, though it certainly would have been fitting given the weather. In San Diego, half the guys would have been in shorts. He's almost certainly a tourist.
 Another interesting group of people. I dig the boots.
 What? You mean the Suits actually talk to the Jeans?
 Let's dissect another photo...
 Not exactly sure what Jeans is doing here...
 Same Boots lady, I presume.
 And the preppy sweater over the shoulder look. These two women are dressed in a very typical fashion for any place in the US.
And finally, we'll wrap it up with one more Suit.

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