Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pompeii: Walking Along Via dell'Abbondanza

 And finally, we reached the main street in Pompeii: Via dell'Abbodanza. Not only was it the main drag 2,000 years ago, it still is today. Throngs of people can be found walking the stones of yesteryear.
 Amazingly, some of the original artwork still adorns the street.

 I don't remember what this structure was, I don't think we ended up going in.
 There were absolutely hoards of people in certain spots in Pompeii, and it grew worse as the day went on. Though I didn't capture it on my camera, there were many tour groups and an especially large number of tour groups of 20 to 30 school kids, all dressed in matching strong colors so their guides could keep track of them.
Though it doesn't capture the school kid tour groups, this shot gives you some idea of what the busier sections were like. An inscription excavators found on a wall somewhere in Pompeii: "Nobody is 'smart' until he has loved a young woman."

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