Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Pompeii: Casa dei Ceii

 This home, also commonly called "Casa dei Cieli", number 50 on this map, was owned by Lucio Ceius Secundus who held the offices of aedile and dummvir in the period of roughly 76AD to 78AD.
 The front exterior still contains original Roman writings on the similated stone block finish. I assume that this writing is some of the electoral writings I read about in this area.
 The home was excavated between May 1913 and August 1914, though tunnelers had disturbed almost the entire home at least 5 times by then.
 Upon walking through the entrance, this dark flooring with white insets is the first thing to greet you.
 In typical Roman fashion, the central room has the ceiling opening for air, light, and water. The floor has the typical catch basin. Note how high the ceiling is.
 The catch basin is in fairly poor shape, but it does give you an idea of what it must have looked like.
 Throngs of tourists were viewing this home while we were there.
 This is the stairway to the second floor...note Italy's attempt to keep the wall from falling. Even after the lootings, items found in this home include a silver water heater, crystal chalice, bronze brazier, lamps, lanterns, scales, and a Vespasianic coin.

 This hunt scene is on the north wall of the garden. Note the holes lined up horizontally through the middle - there was some sort of shelf or balcony at that level.
 Notice the artwork above does not match the artwork below and that the upper artwork is significantly more faded than the lower artwork.
 A quick shot of another wall within this house.

 Looking through to the garden area.
The skeleton of a tortoise was found in the garden.

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