Sunday, February 15, 2009

San Francisco: Union Square Area

 I took out my pocket camera this week and to my surprise, there were photographs from last summer on it that I had forgotten about! Nikki and I needed a break one week last August so we booked a quick trip to San Francisco and stayed in our favorite area, Union Square.
 There is always something going on in Union Square and that weekend was no exception: it was the Korea Day Festival. We weren't quite sure what we were watching, but it was fun anyway.
 When they found out I was the famous J, they posed for me. Yeah right. I leeched this snap while they were posing for someone else.
 Then I spun the camera around a took photos of the buildings around Union Square. Here is Saks Fifth Avenue and Tiffany. The tall building in the background is the Sir Francis Drake where we have stayed before. The rooms feel very turn of the century (a phrase that now needs to be explained...I'm talking about turning from 1899 to 1900, not 1999 to 2000). The one drawback to a stay there is that the trolleys start early in the morning and the clang clang will make you sit straight up in bed.
 Moving the camera further to the right yields this shot. A few blocks back this direction is the Ann Fontaine store, a favorite shopping spot for Nikki.
 Further right yet and this is what you see. Apple in their favorite lime green and hot pink 60s colors.
 Macy's is always a fun store to visit while in the Union Square area. It is always decorated very nicely and is very busy. We usually spend a bit of time in the shoe department before heading to the nearby Westfield San Francisco mall.
 Another shot of Macy's. On an upper floor behind this large display is The Cheesecake Factory. We always end up there around lunchtime but have not yet eaten there because it is always P-A-C-K-E-D. Makes us think the food must be G-O-O-D.
 A favorite photographic subject of mine: the St Francis Hotel. This photo is not as good as others I have taken of this San Francisco landmark, but I like it just the same. We stayed there once and we're glad we did. But we've found a hotel we like better so we haven't been back.
 Here is the beautiful Nikki enjoying some of the warm San Francisco sunshine on that great summer day.
And finally, while walking in the financial district, I spied this beauty: an Aston Martin Vantage V8. Be still, my heart. Those lines are perfection. I certainly can't afford one right now, but they are starting to pop up used. Once the prices fall a bit more it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.

1 comment:

  1. You two sure do get around... I'm glad cause I don't go anywhere... Thanks for sharing your trip.. I felt Like I had a break too!!

    I loved how you wrote about the Aston Martin.. Fun.. Cars still do romance us don't they??
    . we are waiting for a little Volvo P1800 to be put back together and then painted.. it has been taking us years...

    and I loved the video..
