Monday, February 16, 2009

San Francisco: de Young Museum and Golden Gate Park

 Since the de Young Museum had been closed for renovation during our last few trips through San Francisco, we made a point of visiting it last August. The day was nice, though the shade could be a bit nippy. As we strolled through the park, we came across a young man coaxing a bird out of the tree with a peanut. The bird would swoop down and pluck it from his hand, though I never caught it with my camera.

 When the bird tired of the game, the local squirrels were more than willing to keep it going. Here is one friendly fellow balancing himself using the young man's hand.
 Before long the news had spread on the squirrel grapevine and he had his hands busy keeping them all at bay. He is really lucky that none of them decided to climb his leg!
 This is the view as we approached the plaza where the de Young Museum is located. There is some parking in the area, but not alot. Luckily we had taken a bus.
 Here is the exterior of the de Young Museum. I personally don't think it is the best looking building, but it is different.
 Let's walk through a few of the displays.

 Although this looks like a smaller table top display, this is actually sitting on the floor with each of the pieces of "fruit" roughly the size of a beach ball.

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