Saturday, November 26, 2022

Yosemite: Tunnel View

This is the story of our first trip to Yosemite in October 2022. Having lived in California for over 40 years, it was embarrassing that we hadn't visited it yet, so we went.

We read that the Tunnel View location was spectacular at sunrise, so we left the hotel about about 6 AM to make the 50 mile drive and be there at 7 AM.  What a rookie city folk mistake...can't drive 60 MPH on curvy roads.  Once we realized this we resigned ourselves to missing sunrise.  Which was sort of true...while the sky was blue when we arrived, it had not peaked above the horizon yet so we were in luck!

My wife snapped this spectacular photo - kudos to her for one of the best shots we took at Yosemite!!

A shot I took with my camera.   
This location is called Tunnel View because it is located at the end of the tunnel on Wawona Road as the start of Yosemite Valley.

On the left is El Capitan, on the right is Bridalveil Fall and way in the distant right is a glimpse of Half Dome.

My wife.  She looks a bit cold but very happy - it was 30 degrees.  Luckily the air was perfectly still - no breeze at all.
Yours truly at the same spot.
Looking towards Bridalveil Fall.
Another shot (not sure why I included 2 in this post).
At this point we were across the road from the other shots.   A woman stands on the wall enjoying the view.
Looking back towards where we were, note there were about a dozen other people taking "sunrise" shots, some with tripods.
My wife again.  There's that smile!
And me.
Can't resist one more shot~!
OK one more.

I have to say I think Yosemite is the most beautiful place I've seen on Earth.  It is very impressive.

Long live California.

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