Wednesday, August 31, 2022


We went to see Collective Soul in August and a band I hadn't heard of - Switchfoot - was playing with them.    Turns out they put on a very fun show!
I had stepped back to get a drink when they started and this is the view I saw as I was returning.
Before the show I had read that they were a Christian band so I was like - rut row - we're going to get preached to all night.
However, that was not the case!  They aren't a "Christian band",  they are a band whose members happen to be Christian.  That's what the band says and I believe them.  If there was any preachin' going on I didn't hear it!
The stage performance was very energetic and uplifting, I'm glad we stuck around to watch it.
Here is the singer Jon Foreman coming out into the audience for some fun.  He was practically leaning over my seat!  The audience loved it.
The band even brought other performers onto the stage.
This was nice to see and it seemed even the band enjoyed it.
At one point they brought four brothers up and turned over their instruments for them to play a Switchfoot song.  It went great!
The brothers taking a bow.
And then came the bubbles.  Oh the bubbles! 
Again, very uplifting to watch.

A look back behind my seat during one of the songs.
This woman really lit up the stage when she came out to sing.
I believe this was the last performer they invited up.
Anyway a very good time - I'd recommend seeing them if you can.  They are from San Diego so hopefully they will put on shows often.
Thank you and good night!

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