Friday, August 5, 2022

San Diego Padres vs Colorado Rockies

My employer put together a group trip to see the Padres, so my family went!   The San Diego Padres played a home game against the Colorado Rockies, and the Rockies whipped them pretty soundly.  Oh well.
We still enjoyed the game.  Here is my son David with his sons Teo and Troy.
David made a trip to get refreshments and struggled to climb over the seat in front of Troy with them.  The gentleman behind troy volunteered to hold the tray while Dave climbed the seat and unfortunately the huge container of popcorn tipped over and spilled right down Troy's back!  I didn't get a snap of it as I was busy laughing alongside everyone else in our section.  It was quite amusing I wish I had a video of it!

Troy took it very well and laughed himself!

Here is David returning with a fresh popcorn container - not climbing the seats this time ha ha.
My wife enjoying the game.

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