Monday, December 27, 2021

Ruby at the Park


I took Ruby for a walk in the park after a recent rain.  It was beautiful.  The air was fresh and the rain had freed the leaves from the trees, carpeting the park in a most picturesque way.
We usually walk at a pretty good clip during our walks, but I asked Ruby to sit for a few photos first.  Her confusion shows in her expression as she is wondering why I had her sit when there was a perfectly good walking path right in front of us.
So she sat like a good girl but every little motion caught her attention.
Is that a dog over there?
We then went on our normal walk and when we were finished I asked her to pose again.  She was more accepting of it this time because I wasn't keeping her from her walk - now posing was saving her from going back home.
She sat there very politely.
Perhaps she thought I was stretching this out a bit long.
We moved one more time and just as I had her sit again, a light rain started to fall.  Her expression says it all - why on earth are we sitting here in the rain?
But she remained a good girl.
And now she's just annoyed with me.  She's not much for getting wet, so I told her she had been very good, gave her a treat and we returned to the car.  

It was a very unusual and pleasant afternoon!

And now my dog thinks I'm crazy.

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