Friday, November 12, 2021

Back Fence Has Been Replaced

In the spring of 2021, we had very strong winds in San Diego that pushed our back fence over a bit.  It leaned at a 15 degree angle in the spring and by the end of summer, it was more of a 35-40 degree angle.  The only thing holding it up at all were the vines growing on it.

In April 2021 we received bids for a new fence but they all had a 6 month backlog of work, meaning they couldn't install our fence until the fall!  But they finally did and it looks great.

In the mean time, wood prices had risen dramatically so there was a surcharge on the lumber.  I had the fence re-bid by other contractors and they told the same story - higher wood prices meant a higher fence price.  And if I switched conractors, I would go back to the end of their 6 month wait list!
So I stayed with my original contractor and he did a fine job.
It looks straight as an arrow.  Once the wood dries out, I'll repaint it the original color.

That might be awhile though as we are now in the rainy season and in-between rains we've been having moist nights.  


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