Saturday, July 3, 2021

The Start of It All - My First Computer Science Course


I stumbled across this gem this week.  It is my notes binder from my first computer science course at Cal State Chico on January 26, 1983.   

The first time I logged into a computer was for this FORTRAN class.  I had used punch cards for an Oklahoma State University course a couple of years prior, but never did I sit down at a screen and keyboard until this FORTRAN class.

Four years later, I was hired as a software engineer in San Diego which started an over 30 years career developing software.  It is incredible to think that it all started on this page of this 38 year old binder.

I just looked up the teacher Michael Slavich on Linkedin.  He apparently taught at Chico State for two more years before he launched into a 30+ year career at Hewlett-Packard.  Thank you Michael for helping me launch a career of my own.

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