Sunday, May 3, 2020

Chillin In The Back Yard

I have been working from home since March 17th.

My wife and my son have been working from home since March 23rd.

We've kept fairly busy completing the backlog of projects we had intended to complete.Yard maintenance is now complete.  Light fixtures replaced.  Storage unit built.  All that's left to do is move things from the garage to the storage unit.

Here is an evening with Mateo and Troy chillin in our back yard.   That's been another benefit of the Stay At Home restriction - we've spent more time together in the back yard.   I'm especially thankful that we pulled the trigger and had the back yard completely redone last year so we can sit back there as a family and reflect.  Otherwise we'd be spending much more time indoors.  The back yard overhaul was money well spent.

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