Saturday, December 14, 2019

LA Auto Show - Lego Cars

 They had a display with a full-sized Bugatti replica made out of Legos.

Photo credit: me
 A shot of the rear.

Photo credit: me
 A great close-up of the name on the back.

Photo credit:  Troy
 Another shot that captures more of his face in the reflection.

Photo credit: Troy
 The wheel.

Photo credit: Troy
 Troy really enjoyed this display, you can see it in his face.

Photo credit: me
 Another of him smiling.

Photo credit: me
 I was even able to get him to pose!   He's wanting to do that less and less as he gets older.

Photo credit: me
 The interior was even detailed.

Photo credit: Troy
 Photo credit: me
Another lego car that the kids could actually get in.

Photo credit: me

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