Monday, December 23, 2019

Basketball Practice

 The boys are taking basketball this year, so we've been taking them to weekly practices and games.  Here is Troy and one of his practices.

He's the kid in the red shirt, farthest to the right.
 Here he is preparing for a rebound., 4th red shirt out of 6.
 And heading down court.  Red shirt under basket.
 Mateo goes to Troy's practices, and Troy goes to Mateo's practices.

Here is Mateo watching his brother practice from the sidelines.
 Watching his brother.
 Mateo doing a trick.
 Boredom starting to set in.
Boredom has arrived.

Luckily practice is only an hour, so neither of them gets too bored at the other's practice.  And usually, there is a hoop free somewhere for them to practice while their brother is practicing.

And a few clips.  One of Troy taking the ball down the court, and another of Mateo shooting.

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