Monday, September 2, 2019

Ruby Arrives

 We finally found the perfect dog for our family, and drove up to Fullerton to pick her up.  The foster home that had her called her Roo,  so Mateo lengthened that name to Ruby and it stuck.

Here is is on the 2 hour car ride home.
 Another shot of her on the ride.
 These photos show her first moments in her new home.
 She's probably a little tired from the two hour drive...
 ...and ready to be off the leash!
 So we turned her loose in the back yard.
 Off she went!

 She quickly adapted to her new environment, and has loved everyone she's met.  She'll be on your lap the minute she sees you!
 Here she is on her first walk with us.   Dave said she walked over 3 miles before she wanted to stop for a break.  Luckily they were almost back home at this point.
 This led to her first nap on the cool wood floor.
Yeah, she feels at home.  And we're glad.

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