Saturday, July 6, 2019

Clara Mae Trotter Celebration of Life

 My wife's mother, Clara Trotter, passed away last month.   Her children pitched in to throw a Celebration of Life in her honor.
 We held it at the Brewery Arts Center in Carson City, Nevada since Clara lived in that town.  This is how the room looked when we arrived.
 The Brewery Arts Center is just a few blocks from the Nevada State Capitol Building.
 The venue is very nice and we would highly recommend it to others who need to hold an event in Carson City.  The building itself was built in 1865 as a brewery and has since become an art center.  Hence, the name of the building.
 It was a beautiful day.
 Clara's favorite singer was Elvis Presley, so we brought her painting of the King to the celebration.
 Our son Ron Barker emceed the event and did his usual wonderful job that included a slide show set to music that Clara loved.
 My wife also gave a speech... did her sister Debbie...
 ...and her sister Becky.
 I tried to catch everyone who attended in at least one photo, and I apologize in advance if I missed anyone.   Several of Clara's siblings attended including Dan and Debbie as well as Rick and Sandy.   Her children Laura, Debra, Tony, and Becky were also able to attend, as were several other relatives including grandchildren and great grandchildren.
 Friends, neighbors, and coworkers also attended.
 Speaking on behalf of Clara's children, we would like to give a huge thank you to everyone who attended.
Our daughter-in-law Mary with our newest grandson, Ames.
 Mary, Ames, and Teo.
 Our son David holding his brother's son Ames.
 David with his children Troy and Teo, as well as his brother's son Ames.
 David with Ames.
 Ames with his father Ron.
The whole family pitched in to buy food for the celebration.
 The Brewery Arts Center has quite a history, and they have a hallway full of memorabilia from the last 150 years.
 Some photos from way back when.

It was a very pleasant event. 

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