Friday, May 17, 2019

Our DNA Lineage

 The whole family did the DNA test!

Here are my results.  Based on all the genealogy I've done, not much of a surprise to me.  Half of my family tree is Mormon.  The other half from England.  The DNA test has now backed up my research.
Here are my wife's results.  She has always said she's Irish/Scottish, and again the DNA test backed that up.  The surprise was that I've got myself a Scandinavian woman!  Guess we shouldn't have been surprised given the blonde hair.
 And here are the offspring that resulted from the above mix.  Our eldest son picked up all of my wife's Irish/Scottish and Scandinavian, and a bit of my English.  But none of my Mormon?
 Our second son picked up all of the Irish/Scottish and all of the English, but none of the Scandinavian or Mormon.
 And here are our second son's kids (our grandkids).  He married a woman from Morelia, Mexico which is in Michoacan.  And the DNA test picked that right up!

Notice the Mormon is again detected and he pretty much picked up all of the English he could from his ancestors.  It looks like his mom must have some English in her also!

And his second son:  he got the English, the Scottish/Irish, and the Morelia influence.

Pretty interesting stuff!


  1. Mormon is a religion. DO you mean Moorish?

  2. Yep, Mormon is a religion.

    I probably should have been clearer and said half of my family is Mormon, thus from England, Wales and Scandinavia. The other half self-identifies as English.
