Friday, November 23, 2018


 We started the preparation for Thanksgiving the night before.  Pumpkin donuts being made for the next morning!  Mary and Troy are hard at work making sure everything will be perfect.
 As usual, the kitchen became the gathering spot as the evening progressed.  From left: Dave, Troy, Mary with our soon to be 3rd grandson, Ron, and Laura.
 Back to work!  Troy and Mary conversing.
 Cooper assisted!
 Thanksgiving morning!   Busy as bees...
 Everything is ready - time for a group photo! 

Back row: Laura, Dave, Ron, Mary

Front row: Troy and Teo
 Back row: Jerald, Dave, Laura, Mary (two months to due date!)

Front row: Troy and Teo

Teo is at an age where he usually doesn't like posing for photos...
 It was a beautiful day outside.
 Dave's new truck!
 After dinner Rummikub.

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