Sunday, November 4, 2018

Nashville - Hermitage

 One of the first tours we took was of Hermitage - Andrew Jackson's estate a few miles outside of Nashville.

Also all of the acreage is still intact, and I really enjoyed the tour.
 On the other side of the white fence are the graves of Andrew Jackson and his relatives.
 Here is the line outside the front of the mansion for touring the mansion.  We arrived when the line was at its longest, unfortunately.  Still, there are worse ways to spend a half hour than standing under the trees in front of Andrew's house.
 This is the back side of the house that overlooked a great deal of the property.
 The roof on the back side.

Photos were not allowed in the interior, but it was well worth the wait in line.
 While the mansion was being built, Andrew and his wife Rachel lived in these cabins.   They actually lived in these for several years.
 The foundation of one of the former slave quarters on the property.
A detail on one of the cabins.

Very enjoyable tour - highly recommended!

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