Sunday, November 4, 2018

Nashville - Fontanel

 Another short trip just outside of Nashville is Fontanel.  This is the house that Barbara Mandrell and family lived in for over a decade.  They had this log house custom built.  This is the front...
 ...but the main entry is on the back side.  Here is a carving of three bears, apparently representing her three kids that grew up in the home.
 The great room.
 We toured around Halloween, and they had just had a Halloween Ball with over 300 people, so remnants of the decorations can be seen in these photos.  That's our guide singing - Steve Whitson.
 My wife looking at the guitars on the walls.  The Mandrells no longer own the home - they sold it to a record industry associate who opened it up for tours.
 Many of the decorations in the home are not original, such as this display in an upstairs hallway.
 Or this guitar.
 The bedroom of one of Barbara's daughters.
 An upstairs patio at the end of the hallway where the bedrooms are located.

 Getting ready to go into the game room.
 A card table in the game room.
 Pool table, etc.  Can still see some of the Halloween decorations in this photo.
 Our guide Steve Whitson sat on the master bed to play us a song.  He played a song he wrote: "Grandma's Boy".  It was very good...very touching song sitting there in the house where kids were raised.
 Artwork over the master bed.
The indoor pool has been covered over with a dance floor, still set up for the Halloween Ball.

This tour is well worth the time, if you have the time to spare.   Monday and Tuesday mornings are quieter, and you'll probably get a more intimate tour at those times.

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