Sunday, November 4, 2018

Nashville - Johnny Cash Museum

 My wife made sure we put the Johnny Cash museum on the agenda, and we made it over there one afternoon.  It is a smaller museum and was pretty busy - I would recommend going earlier in the day if possible.

Here is Johnny's original Luther Perkins amp, on which he wrote such classics as "Folsom Prison Blues" and "I Walk the Line".  Amazing stuff on such a small amp!
 There was a display that went over his Air Force years in Germany in the 1950s.  I was stunned to see this Spoken German book, as I have a copy of this exact book!  My grandparents were stationed in Germany about the same time that Johnny was there, so apparently the Air Force handed out that book to all personnel in Germany.
This is a limited edition guitar that Johnny himself designed.  Unfortunately the photo didn't pick up just how stunning this guitar is.  The abalone trim is superb and the way it outlines not only the edge of the guitar but dips down to go around the neck is a very interesting and unique detail. 

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