Saturday, October 6, 2018

Teo's Birthday Party

 We had Teo's birthday party this month!

He is now 6 years old.
 The cake!
And Chuck himself!  He has always been one of Teo's favorites.  When Teo was about 3 or 4, he would sit on my lap at the computer and have me find Chuck E. Cheese videos on Youtube so he could watch them over and over.  In fact, that's how he learned to use the computer!

1 comment:

  1. One day recently Teo leaned over to me and said "I was scared of Chuck E. Cheese when I was there."
    Me: "Makes sense, you used to be afraid of him when you were little."
    Teo: "Not the guy in the costume, I'm afraid of the one in the corner"
    Me: "Oh. Well that one is just a robot."
    Teo: "I know. I lifted up his shirt."
    Me: "What did you see?"
    Teo "Robot parts."
