Monday, June 4, 2018

Marcellous Flernoy Awbrey, 1845-1905

 One of my great-great-Grandfathers is Marcellous Flernoy Awbrey.  This is a photo of him as a young man, I would guess in the late 1860s or 1870s.
 Another photo of him from roughly the same era.
 Marcellous' daughter Annie married into the Barker family in the late 1800s in Texas.  This section of the family tree is shown to the right.

Marcellous was born in Longlick, Kentucky to William and Jemima Awbrey.   I'm not positive that Jemima's maiden name was Veale, but have heard mention of that on some websites.
 Marcellous' father died when he was six, at the age of 50.

As a young teen, Marcellous joined the 5th Regiment of the Kentucky Cavalry, Company B, on the Confederate side of the Civil War.   I'll try to find more information on his time in the 5th Regiment in a future post.   So far, all I know for is that he was a Private and was a Prisoner of War at some point .
 After returning from the war,  Marcellous married my great-great-Grandmother Nancy Catherine Garwood, and they proceeded to have eight children, four boys and four girls.  As the timeline above shows, four of those children beat their parents to the grave. [note: it now appears to be 3 not 4]

Before 1870, the family had moved to Stamping Ground, Kentucky where the second child, Annie Evelyn Awbrey - my great-Grandmother - was born.  Stamping Ground is so named because bison used to frequent a spring there for decades if not centuries and it formed a bowl-like depression in the earth.  Marcellous listed his occupation as "Farmer" in the 1870 census with a personal estate value of $300.  In the 1880 census, Marcellous was still shown as someone who works on a farm and his wife Nancy's name is shown as "Nannie", probably her nickname.  By 1882 Stamping Ground had 300 residents, four stores, two blacksmith shops, one school with 45 students, one distillery, one hotel, one undertaker, one photographer, four doctors, two churches, a "colored" school and church, a Masonic Lodge and a wool factory.
 Sometime after the birth of their sixth child, the family moved to Wilbarger County in Texas.  Two more children, Marcus and Artie, were born in Texas before their mother Nancy passed away in 1898 at the age of 53.

Their daughter Annie married my great-Grandfather a few counties over in Tarrant County (Forth Worth) during this time.
 Here is a photo of Nancy and Marcellous later in life, I would guess during their time in Texas.

The 1900 census shows Marcellous as widowed and renting a farm in Texas.  Curiously it shows three others in the household:  Marcus who would have been 17, Artie who would have been 14, and William shown as 23 and born in 1876.  Apparently the other report of William's death at age 5 is incorrect.
 Later in life and after the death of his wife Nancy,  Marcellous returned to Kentucky and there he died in 1905 at the and age of 59.

I'm not sure what brought Marecellous back to Kentucky as it is unlikely any of his children were there.  We know that daughter Annie was out in Texas with her new husband John Washington Barker,  daughter Addie would have been under 10 when they moved to Texas so surely she remained in Texas as an adult, and the other four children born in Kentucky had all passed away.  Well, three given examination of the census data that shows William was alive and well in Texas.
 This is what the main street in Carrollton looked like when Marcellous returned.  I'm not sure whether he lived in the city or in the surrounding countryside.
 A historical marker explaining the origins of Stamping Ground.   When the area was settled in the 1800s, the spring was put to good use producing - what else - whiskey!
One of the whiskey brands produced at Stamping Ground.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Marcellus(lots of different spellings of all three of his names)is also my great great grandfather.
    My great grandfather is his son, Marcus West Awbrey. George Robert Awbrey is his son and my father is Jack Wesley Aubrey(Changed to Aubrey by the Air Force. I am Jack's daughter and my name is Rikki Aubrey.
    I accidentally found your page, I think because you posted this part of your blog on my birthday. I don't get how that happens either but I've been looking for info on Marcellus, Marcus(Mort) and his wife, Sallie and their son, George Robert(my Grandpa Bob) for a year or so now. I
    I'm working out of Wikitree with Cole Aubrey and Jeffery Lewis on Marcellus's profile.
    I have a ton of pictures from the Greenhouses, the Messics, the Barkers and a whole bunch of other people I would love to know about.
    I might be able to help you as well.
    Hope to hear from you.
    Rikki Aubrey
