Sunday, June 17, 2018

Father's Day on the USS Midway

My wife and son planned out a trip to the aircraft carrier USS Midway for Father's Day.  We arrived bright and early to beat the crowd.  A gorgeous day up on the flight deck!
Looking back towards downtown.
 Troy trying the cockpit.
 Teo trying the cockpit.
 His dad nursing the wound he received from the canopy.
 Dave's turn!

 The boys inspecting the landing gear while their dad checks out a weapon.
 Troy to the bridge!
 Teo in the "Boss" chair.
 Troy on the anchor chain.
 Down below.
 Troy and Teo having an excellent time.
 You can't see it, but their dad is a dark corner back behind me making a bit of noise with the ship equipment.   Just seconds after I took this photo...
...yet seconds before this photo he had that equipment making very loud, unsettling noises.  You can see that on Troy's face.  I don't blame you Troy.  I turned around right after I took this photo to see whether he was making the ship sink...

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