Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Things Kids Say

We were driving down San Marcos Blvd after dinner one Friday night - me, my wife, and our two grandkids who are 6 and 8.

As we passed the English pub where we sometimes have dinner, I said to my wife "We've never taken the boys to Churchill's, we need to go one night."

Teo immediately said loudly and firmly, "CHURCH!  I'm not going to church!"  My wife and I were stunned.  "Why not?", I asked.   "Because we're not Spanish!"

I couldn't help but laugh.  I have no idea how that conversation took those turns, but it did.  The only thing I can figure is that he sometimes goes to church with his mom who is from Mexico, so she attends churches with a largely Hispanic audience.   And they sometimes speak Spanish.

That's the great thing about kids - never know what they're gonna say!!!

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