Saturday, May 26, 2018

Happy Birthday David

 This week marked a milestone birthday for Dave - you'll have to ask him which one.

For his birthday, we took him out to dinner to the restaurant of his choice.  He chose Fish House Vera Cruz.  This is the first time we had dinner there, and it was delicious.  Even my wife ate fish and that is the first time I've seen her order and eat a seafood dish in the 35 years we've been married!  Note to self:  it was the halibut she enjoyed.
Teo and Troy in an excellent mood.  What great kids!

Fernet and Coke - Our New Favorite Drink

 Well it had a long run, but something has finally replaced Fireball as our favorite hard alcohol drink of choice.   We still prefer wine, but on the days we've had our fill of wine, this is our new favorite replacement.

Fernet is produced in Milan, Italy and is the best selling drink in Argentina.  It is also very popular in San Francisco.  Both of those places have large Italian populations, probably not coincidentally.

This photo shows the supplies you'll need to make the perfect Fernet and Coke.
 First fill the glass with ice.  Next, you'll be adding 1.5 ounces of Fernet to the bottom of the glass.
 Here is the first half ounce.  I followed it up right after this photo with a full ounce.
 Then I added 6 ounces of Coke, followed by the topper: another half ounce of Fernet.

The final ratio should be 1 part Fernet to 3 parts Coke.

Here is the final, delicious product.

Be forewarned that the first few sips are a bit strong and may make you reconsider your choice.  But follow through and I almost guarantee you that you'll be loving this drink by the time you finish the first glass.

That is what happens to me each time I drink it:  first sip is strong, then it mellows right out into a very very great drink.  Enjoy!

Lunch at Love Boat Sushi

 Thanks to our company's schedule, Dave and I both have every other Friday off.  We've started a new tradition where we go out to lunch on that off-Friday.  Since Teo is in Kindergarten and gets out at noon, he gets to go with us!

This week we went to Love Boat Sushi, and Teo really enjoyed it.

In three short months, Teo will be in first grade and therefore be in school all day.  He'll no longer be able to join in our Off Friday Lunch.  But he loves school, so I'm not sure he'll mind much.
Great to see the close bond between father and son.

The Things Kids Say

We were driving down San Marcos Blvd after dinner one Friday night - me, my wife, and our two grandkids who are 6 and 8.

As we passed the English pub where we sometimes have dinner, I said to my wife "We've never taken the boys to Churchill's, we need to go one night."

Teo immediately said loudly and firmly, "CHURCH!  I'm not going to church!"  My wife and I were stunned.  "Why not?", I asked.   "Because we're not Spanish!"

I couldn't help but laugh.  I have no idea how that conversation took those turns, but it did.  The only thing I can figure is that he sometimes goes to church with his mom who is from Mexico, so she attends churches with a largely Hispanic audience.   And they sometimes speak Spanish.

That's the great thing about kids - never know what they're gonna say!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Mother's Day Lunch on San Diego Bay

 Took my baby to lunch on San Diego Bay for Mother's Day.   We were trying to decide where to go when she mentioned Harbor Island so off we went!  We were afraid they would be completely full with reservations but to our surprise we were able to get a table.  We arrived at 11 - had we arrived a half hour later we would not have been so lucky.

Below is the view from our seats at the restaurant (The Boathouse - excellent food!).

Wig Party

 We went to a wig party in downtown San Diego on Saturday night...had a blast!   In our room at the Andaz hotel before the party started...
...and yours truly.  I wore this the first half of the night, then switched to the same thing in fluorescent blue for the last half of the night.

Good times!

Friday, May 11, 2018

Quick California Loop

 We made a quick loop around California this month with the main purpose being to visit my Dad, my son and his wife, and our friend Dolly.  While we were driving, the car someone managed to turn into a few winery parking lots, not sure how that happened.  :-)

Anyhow, here are a few of the more picturesque moments.

We forgot to take photos with my Dad and with Dolly....that was a huge mistake.  Oh well, next time!

 Mary, Shauna, James.
 Shauna, James, Mary, Ron.
 Our ride for the trip!