Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Boys First Trip To Las Vegas

 We finally found the time to take the boys to Vegas!  They have been asking to go for awhile, after they saw it on a TV show they watch.  So we loaded up the car and drove to the Blodgett's house, who graciously put us up for the weekend.  We had dinner at the Lazy Dog.
 Unique decorations at the Lazy Dog.
 Troy, Teo and Levi.
 Waiting for a table in the lobby.
 Neal and Jessica.
 Dinnertime!  The food was good.
 The other half of the table.
 After dinner, we went to see the volcano erupt at The Mirage.
 A view of Treasure Island from The Mirage.
 The strip in front of The Mirage.
 Caesar's way off in the distance.

 My wife and I.  We look a little wind blown because there were 20 MPH gusts throughout the evening.
 Teo and Troy.
 Dave, Levi and Lexis waiting for the volcano.  I'll try and include a video at the bottom of this post.
 My wife.
 We also showed the boys The Venetian.  They loved the canals, but were even more awed at the casino floor.

A brewery inside The Venetian.
 The boys also had the opportunity for a few dips in the Blodgett's spa and pool.

Then back home!  Trip home was about 5.5 hours due to the Sunday traffic.  Dave drove, thankfully.
 The Cajon Pass.

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