Friday, September 8, 2017

A Weekend In Sacramento

 We went up to Sacramento to see my Dad and a Tom Petty concert.  Checked into a great hotel across the street from the state capital.
 Views were very nice.
 And here is the state capital itself, as seen from our room.  Unfortunately, the staff told us upon checkin that the Petty concert was canceled (laryngitis) which really put a damper on the weekend.
 But when life hands us lemons, we make limoncello so we consulted with hotel staff on options in the area and found this wonderful wine bar for dinner - 58 Degrees and Holding.  Highly recommended!
 My wife as we sip wine.  The dinner was awesome also.
Then we wandered over to the Torch Club and heard a band called Groove Session...what an awesome band!  Listen to the tracks below.  Sorry the sound is crappy on the first one, I used by wife's phone and she had a protective cover on it which muffled the sound - I didn't find this out until we got home - but just watching the video you can tell how awesome this band is.  They play SoCal often so keep an eye out for them!

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