Friday, October 7, 2016

Troy & Teo's Birthday and Ron & Mary's Visit

 Ron & Mary came down for the weekend, and the whole family went to Stone Brewing Company for dinner...always fabulous food there.  Here are Troy and Mary getting started.
 The boys were celebrating their birthdays while Ron & Mary were down (Teo just turned 5, Troy is about to turn 7) and wanted a trip to Chuck E Cheese, so that's where we went the next evening.  Here is Troy using a game.
 Ron & Mary about to eat some pizza.
 Teo surprised to see me with my camera.
 I asked him to smile for me and he obliged even though you can tell he'd rather be running off playing games.  What a great kid for being patient with grandpa!
 Ron & Mary gave them these costumes for their birthday.  They bought them while they were in France this summer.
 And of course we always get a few excellent photos while we are at CEC.  Troy and Dave.
 Teo and Mary.
 Mary and Teo.
 Teo and Mary.
 Teo and Dave.
 Teo and Dave.
 Teo and Troy.
 Teo and Troy.
Troy.  We also gave the boys motor vehicles for their birthday (their request, and they picked them out).  Troy's motorcycle arrived first, and it is shown in the videos below.  Teo's ATV will be in a future post.

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